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Keep the library at the forefront of researcher workflow with LibKey Discovery for discovery services and PubMed

Third Iron, the creators of BrowZine, have released LibKey Discovery, an API-based service that enables users of discovery environments (e.g. Primo, Summon, EDS) to more efficiently connect to the library’s most valuable content. Studies show link resolvers confuse patrons, and publisher data indicates there are more than five times as many unresolved full-text requests than resolved. LibKey Discovery provides single-click access to PDFs, making access to your most expensive eJournals far more user-friendly.

LibKey Discovery also provides 25,000+ journal cover images and one-click access to issues from which articles come, providing critical context and long-lost serendipitous discovery. In addition, LibKey Link provides one-click access to article PDFs through PubMed searches, again bypassing confusing link resolvers.

For a free trial or quote, contact Chrystal Pickell at or (800) 530-9019 ext 401.